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College Guide

Current College Students

You made it to college! There are many resources on campus designed to help you thrive and support your well-being while you pursue your dreams. Colleges offer various support services and resources to students, such as Health and Counseling Services, Tutoring and Writing, Support Disability Services, and Residence Life. Important dates to remember when you are enrolled in college: 1) Last days to add or drop a class; 2) Registration for returning students; 3) Academic advisement for returning students; 4) Housing/Residence Life deadline; 5) FAFSA priority deadline; 6) MS Aid Application deadline, and 7) Deadline to pay balance for semester.

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Renewing Financial Aid and Scholarships

Don’t forget to renew your FAFSA and MS Aid Application (MAAPP) every year. Unless you have had a change in circumstances, you will complete the FAFSA with the same contributor(s) as the previous year. Academic Transfer Scholarships: Most four-year colleges or universities offer scholarships based on your community college GPA. Scholarships based on ACT® scores are generally no longer available to currently enrolled college students. Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship: Visit to find out more about the opportunities they offer. If you attend a community college, join Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)! When you transfer, there are great scholarships for PTK members. Typically, a 3.5 GPA and 12 credit hours are required. Eligible students will receive an invitation. Private Scholarship: Use our Scholarship search Tool and other national scholarship databases.

Transfer Tips

Thinking about transferring from one college to another? Let’s set you up for success. Review Transfer Admissions options. As a community college transfer to a four-year public institution in Mississippi, you have three options for regular admissions (see your options below). When transferring to a new college or university, look at the course curriculum of your planned major to view what courses may transfer and receive credit for. Most of the time, you can view this through the MS Articulation & Transfer Tool. If an online transfer course equivalency tool is not available, seek out an advisor in the program at your prospective college or university to discuss the transfer of your courses. Don’t forget to update your FAFSA and MAAPP with your transfer institution so that your federal and state aid follow you.

Transfer Admissions options

Earn an Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited community or junior college and have a sufficient GPA as calculated by the admitting institution.

Complete the 30 hours of core courses listed below with at least a 2.0 GPA on those courses and earn an overall 2.0 GPA or higher on all hours attempted (as calculated by the institution you are transferring to). English Composition: 6 semester hours; College Algebra or a higher-level math: 3 semester hours; Natural Science: 6 semester hours; Humanities and Fine Arts: 9 semester hours; Social or Behavioral Sciences: 6 semester hours.

Meet the requirements for incoming freshmen (based on your ACT®/SAT® scores and high school transcript) and earn an overall 2.0 GPA or higher on all hours attempted (as calculated by the institution you are transferring to). Transferring from one four-year college to another four-year college is an option as well. It is always best practice to contact the admission office of your planned transfer school to review admission requirements for four-year transfer students.

Current College Student FAQs

There are many ways for students to work while in college. Look at on-campus job boards, Student Life, or ask your peers. Some students are awarded Federal Work-Study as part of their financial aid package.

Most schools will only accept up to 62 hours of community college credit for a four-year college. Students transferring from one four-year college to another also have limitations on transferred hours. Contact your academic advisor to review the transfer of credits.

Yes, but every school has different requirements. Some four-year colleges require more than 30 hours of transferable credit. It is always best practice to contact the transfer admissions counselor at the four-year college or university you plan to transfer to.

Most colleges will only accept courses with a “C” or higher. You may be required to retake a class depending on the college.

Each college or university has different degree requirements. Request a degree audit from an academic advisor at the school you are looking to transfer.