Get 2 College, A Program of the Woodward Hines Education Foundation
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FAFSA Facts: Answering Questions about Common FAFSA Myths

Read about common FAFSA myths and truths.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is the easy form that unlocks help paying for college through grants, work-study, or loans. Between skepticism about government programs or news stories about processing delays, it’s understandable to feel hesitant about completing the FAFSA. However, most students who complete the FAFSA get some form of aid, including potential options where no loan repayment is required.

At Get2College, a program of the Woodward Hines Education Foundation, we’ve helped thousands of students get millions of dollars in financial aid. Every day at local centers or in virtual appointments over Zoom, we help students and families complete their FAFSA forms.

Here are some common concerns we hear, and the truths about what we’ve seen in decades of experience:

Families are afraid that completing the FAFSA will affect their credit or existing student loans.

The FAFSA does not report to any credit bureaus or agencies outside of schools you authorize. The FAFSA is a no-obligation form, and completing it simply reveals what the student might be eligible for. Federal and state governments and individual institutions all use the FAFSA when creating financial aid offers, so completing it is an important step. 

Parents are still paying off their own student loans, and wary of their student taking on student loan debt.

Loans are just one way of paying for college. Federal programs like Pell grants could actually pay for 100% of the cost of a commuter community college student! Individual schools offer aid that includes campus work-study jobs that cut costs and offer valuable experience. Local community groups often award small scholarships that add up, and use the FAFSA to ensure they’re directing aid to the neediest families. Filling out the FAFSA is the first step to creating a variety of aid opportunities. Get2College counselors can help you explore options and share success stories from real Mississippi students who’ve benefited from grant programs.

A student’s family has non-traditional circumstances or hesitation interacting with the federal government.

We understand. Get2College has reached tens of thousands of students each year for decades. We’ve seen every family situation imaginable. We’ve also seen lots of successes: the completed FAFSA as the first step for first-generation students accessing a four-year college, community college, or even a technical certification that opens new doors of success. If you’re nervous in any way, book an appointment with one of our centers. We can talk you through the application and help your family through the process.

Didn’t the FAFSA recently experience problems and delays?

Get2College nearly 3,000 students each year. We’ve seen more FAFSA forms than practically anyone in Mississippi! Like any new program, there were wrinkles when a new version of the FAFSA recently launched. But we’ve seen the process smooth out in recent months, and now is the best time to complete the FAFSA as many schools have relaxed their deadlines to welcome more students. Book an appointment and complete your FAFSA, because there’s never been a better time!

Completing the FAFSA is a zero-risk, high-impact opportunity to create choices to help families pay for college. Complete the FAFSA at or book a local or virtual appointment with a Mississippi-based counselor at Get2College.

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